Blog Tour with Cliff Fictor and Mini Monster Truck
Blog tour No.2 is a writer from Western US who writes for kids about mini monster trucks.
Name: Cliff Fictor, pen name
Where in the world are you? Western US
Where in the world would you like to be? Western US
Books – buy links for book series (Adventures of Johnny's Mini Monster Truck)

Volume 1, A Monster Truck for Johnny (Ages 2-5)
Volume 2 A Monster Truck for Johnny (ages 6-8)
Volume 3 Johnny's Mini Monster Truck Tows a Train Ride
Volume 4 Johnny's Mini Monster Truck Rides on a Trailer
Volume 5, Johnny's Mini Monster Truck Uses a Winch
Website link:
Blog Link:
Social Media (Please provide links & handles):
Twitter: @minimonstertruc
Favourite book: “My Side of the Mountain” by Jean George
Favourite snack when writing: Unsalted, dry roasted, shelled peanuts
What do you write on? (Adventures of Johnny's Mini Monster Truck) a book series about a little boy who gets his own monster truck built by his father
Where do you write? While lying in bed.
What are your current projects? Going to schools and libraries for book readings with the monster truck kiddie train ride.
Can you share a little of your current work with us (no more than 1000 words)?
I am working on more adventures for the little monster truck. I’m thinking of doing a book for children labelled as “different” by profiling the only train car with white wheels. All other train cars have blue wheels and reject “poor Rudolph” until Mini Monster Truck steps in and moves the white wheeled car to the very front.
Why did you write that? What inspired it?
My children riders with Down’s Syndrome are often labelled as different. To Mini Monster Truck, all children are the same when riding our train.
Do you have any advice for other writers? Never get up. It may seem insurmountable and it is, only if you quit.
Who is your favourite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Jack London and his ability to take me outdoors even when I’m inside reading. Jerry Kramer, famed guard of the Green Bay Packers championship dynasty of the 1960’s inspired me a lot. As a result, I played guard and kicker and became a writer like he was.
Which author do you most resemble?
I’m not really sure as I am establishing my own niche by using a live character and stories based on my children growing up.
Can you tell us a writerly joke? Now that I’ve done my first book [pause],I think I’ll read another. Rodney Dangerfield.
Anything else on your mind?
Yes, my book proceeds and train ride income will be applied to my business so that I can expand and provide free visits to children in hospitals, abused children, disadvantaged children, and those with special needs. I am studying to be a CASA which is a Court Appointed Special Advocate to act as a liaison between the US court system and abused children. Part of the income from books will go into designing a new monster truck and train cars that perform. From there I plan to develop a series of children’s toys. Note that my appearances and book signings are designated for me to reach children and fill the gap left by large monster truck shows that appear annually like Monster Jam.
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