Never to Pretty to Play: Women’s Rugby in Hangzhou.
Just five days before the showdown match between France and Wales in the first quarter-final of the 2019 Rugby World Cup I meet the...
Billy Connolly - Made In Scotland - Book Review
#BillyConnolly #BookReview

Hangzhoufeel my front page and article inside
Hangzhoufeel the local expat english language newspaper put my articles on the front page and inside. You can read them in the blogs below

My YouTube Channel - Visions of China
I've created a YouTube Channel - well just re-jigging an old one into Visions of China - its does have lots of old stuff - tips of my...

Fascinating Hangzhou
Article for the Hangzhoufree Newspaper Fascinating Hangzhou The West Lake looks like the fair lady at her best Whether she is richly...