New Short Story - Fuckin' Fat Boy (Dumpster 2)
Ladies and gentlemen here is my new short story Fuckin' Fat Boy. After publishing Dumpster the guy I based it on Mike The Scavenger, a...

Psssst - a new short story of China
My new short story PSSSST is here. Find out what is driving Song down the back alleys of downtown China. Click on the image to go to my...

Dumpster - short story
My new short story is out now and you can read it on my website by clicking on the image above or click here If you want to watch where I...

Prepper - a new short story
I have just finished up a new short story called Prepper. What a prepper you might ask? A prepper is a person who believes a...

<Screen> A short story.
I have recently finished a short story called <Screen>. Its a sci/fi /dystopian sort of story and is my first attempt at this genre. One...

Anthology of human thought coming in December
Look out for the new Anthology of Human Thought which is being published in December. Edited by Josh Jones. CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS IN...

My Shortstory is a winner.
WINNER Rob Burton — The Storyteller: A man who walks the Earth in perpetuity chronicling the lifetimes of those he touches. Rob was born...