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Valentine's Day Poem

Valentines Day

I’m thinking of my Valentine

It’s that time of year

I’m thinking of my Valentine

I’m thinking of a spear

Or should it be a teddy?

The type that she could wear

Or would she be more comfortable

With a fluffy teddy bear?

Or a floppy dog with ears?

And a great big wet wet nose?

A great big box o chocolates?

Or a luverly red red rose?

I’m thinking of my Valentine

I think she’s thinking ice

Great big stonking diamonds

I’m thinking of the price

I’m thinking of my Valentine

I’m thinking of the food

At the expensive restaurant

I hope it’s not to rude

To point out to my Valentine

The prices al la carte

That lobsters, crabs and oysters

And Frenchy Apple Tarte

Will spoil our little Valentines

When we get the bill

I don’t want my darling Valentine

To see me being ill

So just thinking of my Valentine

I vote that we stay in

It just a cynical marketing ploy

And I’ve just forgot my PIN

So I’m thinking of my Valentine

I’m such a caring man

I’m thinking of my Valentine

Now isn’t that a plan?


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