A small savoury portion - an appetizer
amuse-bouche in British
French (amyzbuʃ)
an appetizer before a meal
Word origin of 'amuse-bouche'
from French amuser amuse, gratify + bouche mouth
amuse-bouche in American
(ɑmuzˈbuʃ ; ämo̅ozbo̅oshˈ; French amyzbuʃ; ȧmüzbo̅osh)
noun Word forms: plural aˈmuse-bouches (ɑmuzˈbuʃ ; ämo̅ozbo̅oshˈ; Frenchamyzˈbuʃ; ȧmüzbo̅oshˈ)
a small, savory portion of food served before a meal, typically without charge at restaurants