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Another British Soldier (2006)

Written in 2006
Another British Soldier

Another British Soldier dying in the dust

Another British PM saying I must

Take war to the enemy

Despite it being a felony

Got to protect this liberty

Pursuing our democracy

Amongst the medieval peasantry

Holding advanced western weaponry

We kill them all with enmity

It’s our speciality

We can’t show no empathy

For the Islamic mentality

This Taliban pedigree

Their dying is heavenly

We call it blind zealotry

A murderous recipe

For war almost endlessly

But the bloody legacy

Is our soldiers dying helplessly

With newscasters breathlessly

Reciting the elegy

As wives cry helplessly

That age-old melody

That scores the serenity

Of politicians confidentiality

As they bow to the hegemony

Of wars cruel necessity

And the infallible cruelty

That makes children twitch hysterically

On the roads into Ghanzi

As they die so regrettably

By digital telemetry

Sending them to the cemetery

As we look on contemptuously

Not seeing the potentiality

Of leaving the country peacefully

And the children playing happily

Full of life and expectancy

But we know that eventually

Like the great Nations historically

Left Afghanistan unpleasantly

As their soldiers died steadily

On the plains of the Afghani

That our time will be presently

Let us do it now readily

Sooner not later preferably

Leaving Afghanistan is a must

Stop our soliders dying in that dust.

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